Saturday, 19 December 2015

Three little words

One of the first projects we were set this term was to gather into groups, pick two words at random from an envelope and a third emotion from a sport envelope and make a short film collaboratively. The films we were given were OPERA, ROAR and our emotion was ARROGANCE/SNOOTINESS. We were then given style guides, which we were abel to swap out if we wanted, we received UPA which was fantastic for me as it's something i'm very familiar with and love. It was suggested as myself and another girl in our group are 'The stop-motioners' of our year that we should attempt stop-motion for this project. This was great as I've wanted to combine my love of stop-mo and UPA for a long time.

The result of this exercise and six weeks, of making, planning, animating and tireless editing on behalf of our Director/Editor Ben Sullivan. Is as seen below ( I can't show you the full film at this time as were hoping to submit it for festivals this summer).

Initial sculpts

Setting up/testing

multiple ladys for shots

me animting
Production schedule - ready!

Lady in the spotlight

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

i'm back...sorry

It's been a long time since i've done anything with this blog, again. sorry about that. I've now started a MA in Animation at the University of West England (Bristol) in fact i'm just about to finish my first term (of three). eep. It's been one hell of a trip getting here, I applied to both UWE and The NFTS ( however that was for Producing) and al though the experience was a greta, I learnt a lot about Pitching which was exciting, it was generally decided i wasn't the best fit for the course. I am very happy to be in Bristol however, the course if amazing, my peers equal so, lectures smashing and Bristol it has to be said feels very much like home.

Another massive thing that happened in conjunction with getting on my Masters degree was that i also managed to swing a BAFTA scholarship, which is a little insane. You can read about it here. It was truly such a great honour and to be honest surprise to not only be considered but awarded the funding for the full cost of my Masters which is huge wait off, I can tell you.

Me and my fellow recipients at the Bafta drinks party!

Like so many of the best and most exciting things that have happened to me in the last 5 years have come though not only hard work but actually just sitting down and applying for things with a kind of f**k it why not attitude.

I'll try and update things from this term soon, maybe over christmas, it'll be nice to get back into the blog again, regardless of how little attention and how easily I forget to update it...Ever.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

New Prints

After looking for ages for prints for my new office and my mums kitchen, I decided to create my own vintage inspired object prints, as nothing I found online was quite right. 

It was also a great opportunity to try my hand at Illustrator, which I love. However I did revert back to photoshop for the texturing/gradients and scaling for print 



Sunday, 18 January 2015

Skwigly Advent Creation

This was my contribution to Skwigly's Advent Calendar this year I took inspiration form cartoon modern design and the good old 'lets all go to the lobby' cartoon. Gif's are quite fun aren't they? created in Photoshop designed and animated.

Heres the link to the article :