Thursday, 28 February 2013

Another entry for the JS competition

Another Lino cut, with a favourite quote of mine. 

John Smith Bookshop

Here are a few designs i've been working on, i thought i'd enter them for John Smith bookshop stationery competition. I really like bugs and print so I did some Lino prints and digitally edited and cleaned them. There just a bit of fun really away from all the animation. 

Monday, 25 February 2013

Wired Arts paper cut workshop

Myself and fellow animator Erika Lewis, ran a paper cut animation workshop for wired arts, this is my second workshop working with the wonderful society at Cambridge school of art. 
It was a great evening and a good turn out...lots of fun. 

Workshop Partner Erika Lewis

and here is the final film edited together. enjoy:

Friday, 22 February 2013

Business cards...Finally!

I finally managed to get round to designing and printing my business cards, with a little help from my friend at CW9 Design 

There not exactly what I want after m degree, I hope to update them after completing my fmp. But the'll do for now. 

Huzzah! scholarship success

This is my happy face!
A little while ago I applied for a foundation scholarship through uni, I had to write a proposal for a self-directed educational trip. I'd been considering attending Stuttgart international animation festival as Barry Purves had mentioned he's be attending, also I love germany, so I thought id give the scholarship a go as the money wouldn't go a miss.

And to my surprise a letter arrived saying i'd been Successful...Great News so come April 23rd i'll be on my way to one of the biggest animation festivals in europe. I have to write a essay piece and give a few talks when I get back but i hope to be able to tie that in with some other work and hopefully be able to put it off until after hand in. But buzzing! now just to book the train, and hotel, and flight, and festival tickets, and.......o dear!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

International VIVID conference Cambridge

Hello. So to begin this term, myself and fellow student Erika Lewis where approached by our tutor to create a welcoming animation for the VIVID International conference hosted by Anglia Ruskin Cambridge.

Erika is a good friend of mine as well as housemate-we go way back. So it seemed like a fun idea. We created the animation in around 3-4 days, so was nice quick turn around, with erika creating the hand drawn element and me handling the digital and composting side. 
Working late 2days before deadline.
VIVID is a great company that aims to create a networking environment between university, industry experts and companies mostly based in the UK and netherlands. I applied for  a scholarship with this company last year so I know a fair bit about it. 

The animation was played at the start of the conference on a double screen. 

It was a realy interesting day of lectures form all over the UK and netherlands. From educational and surgeon training games to interactive and inteligent materials, I even got to meet a local businessman with two 3D printers who's letting em come in and see them at some point. We even got a mention on there website which was pritty nice.

Was all in all a great day, brilliant brief, got to work with one of my best buds, made some contacts and even got a free lunch in the form of ridiculously good free canapés...not to shabby.

Though this did remind me, must get business cards...again!

I'll be away a while....

Hey cool cats, due to starting my Final Major Project I have begun a new blog, on tumbler *shudder* just trying to span all the social networks, so for my production diary on my new film follow this link:

but don't worry ill be updating here with other tit bits i'm doing thought out this term, workshops, quick briefs, festivals ect

Friday, 15 February 2013

First Show-reel

so to sum up this terms visual work, here is my final show-reel, tailored and geared for industry!

That's all folks!

I quite enjoy writing...surprising!

I'd just like to make a little mention about my Research Project/ Dissertation as it devoured allot of my time, but I have really enjoyed it. It's handed in now but I was about stereoscopic technology and Rapid Prototyping affect on Stop-motion animation, as I have mentioned in an earlier post about gaining an interview with Barry Purves's view on RP as well as this I also managed to ask the marvellous Jason walker (eye compositor behind the beautiful animation Madam Tutli-Putli) on his thoughts about a few things.

Research Projects and dissertations or essays for that matter are great contacts making opportunity...sorry if that sound really obvious, but i've enjoyed this process.

Rapid Prototyping or 3D printing has really lit a fire in me though, I have spent allot of time trying to contact local company in order to see one work in person to no day!

but a great source of knowledge and entertainment has been skwigly, there podcast are pitch perfect. I strongly suggest having a listen skwigly podcast!

All in all its been really interesting, extending writing has been really nice, I enjoyed research and reading and collecting the data...Rapid Prototyping is changing the face of stop-motion (pardon the pun) and it been incredibly insightful looking at it form all angles.

It's also been great to find that the animation community is insanely friendly!