Friday, 20 April 2012

Animation Showing in Cambridge

I had a animation showing last night in The White Swan in cambridge. Organised by myself and my tutor. All of my animations were shown, so pretty happy. Was an excellent night with fantastic people and a great atmosphere. The locals seemed to like it anyway.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Mime Take 2

Props for upcoming animation.

The bottle is made of resin. exciting stuff.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Mime Take 1

Progress has been slow on this project. But  (the Mime) has been coming along nicely, after making a fully functional professional armature curtsey of

look at me work, harder then it looks trust me.

but heres how he looks at moment with out clothing.

more to update soon. Promise. 

Creating an animation for a festival

The time has come to start working on my own brief, all though daunting i couldn't be happier to be starting to create my own visuals for something completely my own.

I 've had a few ideas for this piece but I have settled on idea to create a piece of stop motion (surprise surprise) about a terrible mime, a mime that can't mime. I'm doing this more as a visual break and a project that should hopefully help me create something visually interesting as well as technically good. That and I get to make loads of gorgeous props.

Group Project

I have just completed a new animation within a group at The Cambridge School of Art. It was an interesting experience here are a few shots and stills from the movie. Better photos of the Puppet to follow.

The animation was created using a range of stop motion, after effects and maya. Created with Carmen Plum and Olivia Rose. Thanks to you both.